I read Ken Kesey's book in high school and have seen the movie before, but never appreciated the acting until I was told to do so, which is a shame. All of those actors made the performance of their lives and I can't believe I didn't notice it until now. Jack Nicholson played the ideal R.P. McMurphy that Kesey described in his novel; full of life, and freedom and wisdom (hence my favorite quote above) even though crude and violent at times. Most of the actors we see today in various films also made the cast of crazies phenomenal, like Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito. Although not crazy in life, they did an excellent job pretending to be. Not only was the acting spot on and made the movie amazing, but
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest is one of my favorite movies. I love the theme of one sane man showing what it is truly like to live and feel freedom under the oppression of (arguably) one of the most evil villains ever created in human history, Nurse Ratched. Although the movie was mostly heart-warming, the ending still is a heavy hitter as one of the darkest endings I have yet to see in flim. I love this movie and the acting from all of the cast members, from the wild antics of R.P. McMurphy, to the bitchy smirk of Nurse Ratched, made it all the better.