Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Hidden Fortress
Very good movie, I enjoyed watching it yesterday. Not to much action, but there were a bunch of funny moments through out the movie. A good movie, I was surprised when I found out it was made in 1958, looks a lot newer than that. Definitely the best movie I have seen this far for this class.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hidden Fortress
I enjoyed this movie. First I was shocked to learn that the great George Lucas directed the film. The comedy added to the film was a perfect touch. there were some laugh out load moments. it was not a typical samurai movie i am accustom to. great film!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I watched this movie last night with a couple of my friends. Personally I did not get this movie at all. I did not understand what was going on throughout the whole movie, could not understand the plot at all, if there was one. Did not enjoy the movie at all, a really confusing and weird movie.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Response To Films
The movie Eraserhead was interesting, and not in a good way. I felt disturbed, bored and disgusted all at the same time. All of these emotions might have been acceptable if I understood, even remotely, what was going on. Instead, I was completely confused. I did not understand the characters, the plot, or any of the ideas the movie was attempting to convey through symbolism. If people were to ask me to explain to them the meaning or significance of this movie I would not be able to tell them anymore than I knew prior to viewing it.
On the other hand, The Seventh Seal has been the best movie we have watched so far in my opinion. I thought this film contained an enjoyable combination of drama and humor. I also thought that the characters were more developed, likable, smart and amusing than others we've seen. The story line was also very good and I enjoyed the concept of exploring the mysteries of death as the basis of the plot, even having "death" as a character. I found myself intently watching during the serious scenes where their were dialogs about God, the devil, religion and death, and then laughing at the characters in more lighthearted scenes such as the quarrel at 1:03. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this film, especially in comparison to Eraserhead!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I will have nightmares for weeks after watching this sick and twisted movie. Not one thing made any sense. The only thing descent in this film was the hot neighbor across the hall from him.
The seventh Seal
the film portrayed haunting images of what the plague represented back then. The character of death was rather interesting. Loved the chess scenes. The ending when they were dancing behind death was the cherry on top. great movie
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"Stalker" - Russia 1979
Director Andrei Tarkovsky's science fiction film is an example of filmmaking dominated by mise en scene and not montage.
"Kiss of Death" - USA 1947
It's hard to see how this escaped the censors of the Hays Code in 1947 who had a contract out on brutal violence in the movies. Richard Widmark as the psychotic killer, Tommy Udo, is one of Film Noir's great bad guys.
Zolly Shot (Zoom/Dolly)
Several filmmakers, starting with Hitchcock, have used this shot to great effect. Here are examples from "Vertigo", "Jaws", "Poltergeist", "Goodfellas" and "Lord of the Rings".
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Cabinet of DR Calagari
Im going to watch this movie tonight in my room at 8 for anyone who wants to watch it. iota byers 202. call me at 206-930-7009
Monday, September 6, 2010
"The Great Train Robbery" - USA 1903
In America, Edwin S. Porter, was taking film to a new level of entertainment. With imaginative camera placement and editing, the narrative cinema had taken a great leap forward.
"A Trip to the Moon" - France 1902
In just a few short years, film had gone from the moving pictures of everyday events that the Lumiere Brothers were busy cataloging to the full-fledged fantasy of George Melies. Although each shot was a long, static setup, stories were being told by putting strips of film together, also know as "editing".
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The Lumiere Brothers - France 1895
The earliest films were simple representations of everyday life, taken with one camera set-up, one short roll of film, and no edits. Audiences, who had never seen pictures move before, were transfixed.
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